Houghton Academy is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Middle States Association of Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS).
100% of university applicants accepted
Grades 6-12 (boarding open to 7-12)
145 average historical enrollment (currently lower due to the impact of the pandemic)
1:1 ratio of international students to American students
8-10 average class size
26.5 ACT | 1225 SAT recent average scores (USA averages are 20.5 ACT / 1051 SAT)
Safe setting in a small town with easy access to major cities
1:1 school-provided computer for every student
Certified teachers
Rolling admissions - start any day of the year
English language support for any level
250 courses, including 150+ FREE university dual credit
Guaranteed acceptance into award-winning Houghton University
$135,676.00 average graduate university scholarship (based on 2024 graduates).
The following diploma tracks are available to Houghton Academy graduates:
College Preparatory Diploma (22 Credit Minimum): meets the NYSED graduation requirements with credits in the required categories.
Advanced College Preparatory Diploma (25 Credit Minimum): requires 3 additional credits in upper-level courses (e.g., honors, AP, university dual credit)
Diploma of Excellence (28 Credit Minimum): requires 3 additional university dual credit courses and a GPA of 3.0+
Diploma of Excellence & Emphasis (30 Credit Minimum): requires 2 additional university dual credit courses in an area of declared emphasis (e.g., Music, Science) and a GPA of 3.0+
NOTE: Completing a 3-credit university course also earns 1 high school credit.